
In this guide, we will talk about what happens when something goes wrong while you work with the API. Mistakes happen, and mostly they will be yours, not ours. Let's look at some status codes and error types you might encounter.

You can tell if your request was successful by checking the status code when receiving an API response. If a response comes back unsuccessful, you can use the error type and error message to figure out what has gone wrong and do some rudimentary debugging (before contacting support).

Status codes

Here is a list of the different categories of status codes returned by the EZLINK AI API. Use these to understand if a request was successful.

  • Name
    400: Bad Request

    This error code indicates that your requests are malformed or invalid for the options you choose. This usually happens when you specify a model in your request body and pick the unsupported parameters for that model.

  • Name
    401: Unauthorized

    This error code usually means your authentication credential (API Key in this case) is invalid, either because it is expired or it is revoked by someone in your organization.

  • Name
    403: Forbidden

    This error code usually indicates that we have authenticated your requests, but we cannot grant you access to our endpoint because you lack the access level or plan privilege.

  • Name
    404: Not Found

    This error code usually indicates that you request api with a wrong endpoint.

  • Name
    429: Rate Limit Exceeded

    This error code indicates that you have reached some Keywords AI API constraints, usually due to rate limit

  • Name
    500: Internal Server Error

    TThis error code indicates an error inside our server while processing the request. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes. You can contact support at [email protected] and we will get back to you ASAP.

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